Relationships That Drain You: Is Self-Abandonment Ruining Your Love Life?

Mark loved his morning runs. Lately, however, he has found himself trading his sneakers for chores and errands to fit his partner's unpredictable schedule. He told himself it was just temporary: "She's going through a lot right now," he'd think, or, "I can catch up later." But with each sacrificed run, a knot of frustration grew in his stomach, a quiet whisper of disappointment he couldn't ignore. The truth was, it wasn't about his partner's needs; it was about him saying "yes" when every part of him wanted to say "no."

This chronic self-betrayal, a silent poison, was slowly undermining the foundation of their love. It's a common struggle,and one I've seen countless times in my coaching practice. Self-abandonment, though often rooted in good intentions, can insidiously erode the very relationships we're trying to protect.

The Unseen Cost of Self-Sacrifice

Healthy relationships thrive on a balance of give and take. But sometimes, we focus so much on giving that we completely lose sight of our own needs, wants, desires, and even boundaries or sense of self. This initially well-intentioned sacrifice can become a harmful pattern of self-abandonment, where we consistently disregard or suppress our own desires for the sake of pleasing our partner or maintaining the relationship.

There are many reasons we might abandon ourselves. Childhood trauma and codependency can distort our sense of self-worth and blur boundaries. Naturally giving personalities might pair with less resourceful partners, creating an unhealthy dynamic. Some individuals exploit their partners by manipulating situations and presenting self-sacrifice as a virtue. Whatever the cause, this pattern needs attention, as it often leads to deeply damaging consequences for everyone involved.

The partner who sacrifices themselves for the relationship will begin to feel a pervasive sense of depletion. Their initial enthusiasm gives way to exhaustion and a quiet bitterness. Instead of feeling appreciated, they may become increasingly helpless and resentful. Meanwhile, their partner learns they cannot truly rely on their person. Promises go unfulfilled, and commitments are broken under the guise of good intentions. The emotional foundation of trust begins to crumble, and the bond inevitably deteriorates. It's a hidden tragedy because both partners fail to see the underlying dynamic of constant self-betrayal and the snowball effect it creates.

Signs You Might Be Abandoning Yourself

Self-abandonment, a term coined by mental health professionals, describes the process of neglecting, rejecting, or suppressing one’s own needs, wants, limits, and desires in relationships. Dr. Susanne Wolf offers valuable insights into this pattern, and I've expanded on her work to help you recognize the red flags in your own life. Here are some common thoughts, excuses, and complaints that might signal you're abandoning yourself.

  • "I don't engage in my hobbies or passions any longer." This is a sign that you're letting your relationship consume your life. It's important to maintain a sense of identity outside of your relationship.
  • "I spend significantly less time with friends and family members I used to be close to." Healthy relationships don’t come at the expense of other important relationships in your life.
  • "I find myself constantly making sacrifices or compromising my own needs." Compromise is essential in any relationship, but there's a difference between compromise and sacrifice. You shouldn't feel like you're constantly giving up things that are important to you.
  • "I feel the need to consult my partner for even the smallest choices." This can be a sign of codependency. It's important to be able to make decisions for yourself without your partner's approval.
  • "I overidealize my partner and the relationship, losing touch with reality." Unrealistic expectations can set you up for disappointment. It's important to see your partner for who they really are, not who you want them to be.
  • "My emotional well-being relies on my partner's approval, attention, and well-being." This is a recipe for disaster. Your happiness shouldn't depend on someone else.
  • "I disregard my personal boundaries to please my partner, even if it makes me uncomfortable or compromises my values." This is a form of self-betrayal. It's important to honor your own values and boundaries, even if it means disappointing your partner sometimes.
  • "They totally respect IF I would say no." This may be wishful thinking. If someone pressures you to do something you’re uncomfortable with, they do not respect your boundaries.
  • "It's just one time, this won't happen again." This is a common justification for letting someone walk all over you. But it rarely holds true. Once you establish a pattern of giving in, it becomes harder to assert yourself later.
  • "It's easier for me to do it; it’s not worth saying no." Even if something seems trivial, it's important to honor your boundaries. If you don't, you're teaching your partner that it's okay to walk all over you.
  • "They’re asking this from me out of care, not control." It's important to be able to distinguish between helpfulness and manipulation. If someone is constantly guilting you into doing things for them, it's a red flag.
  • "They wouldn't ask if it would overstep my boundary." Don't assume your partner will always know your boundaries. Sometimes, partners ask for things not out of malicious intent but out of cluelessness.
  • "They're more in need than I am." This might be true, but it's not an excuse to prioritize their needs over your own well-being all the time.
  • "My partner is going through a hard time." While it's important to be supportive, you can't solve their problems for them. And it's not healthy to put your own needs on hold indefinitely.

These examples show how self-abandonment can lead to a gradual erosion of our sense of self. Spotting them in our internal dialogue can signal a need to reassert our boundaries and reclaim personal power within the relationship. Seeking balance and healthy compromises ensures that both partners' needs are acknowledged.

Why Do We Abandon Ourselves in Relationships?

Understanding the "why" behind self-abandoning behaviors can help us silence that harsh inner critic who often lashes out when facing the reality of self-betrayal. It's essential to remember that self-abandonment in relationships isn't a sign of weakness or failure. It can stem from many complex factors, often interconnected and deeply rooted in our personal history and beliefs.

Early experiences of emotional neglect, abuse, or inconsistency can teach us that our needs aren't important or that love must be earned through sacrifice. This can lead us to prioritize others' needs to avoid conflict or rejection. If our worth was tied to pleasing others in childhood, we may carry this into adulthood, putting our partner's happiness above our own.

Low self-esteem, negative self-beliefs, and a fear of abandonment can also fuel self-abandonment. When we struggle with self-worth, we may believe we don't deserve to have our needs met or that our opinions don't matter. This makes it hard to assert ourselves and set healthy boundaries. The fear of being left alone can lead us to sacrifice our own happiness in a desperate attempt to keep our partner close.

Codependency further complicates matters. If we're codependent, it can be hard to separate our own needs from our partner's. We might feel responsible for their happiness, which can lead to excessive self-sacrifice as our identity is proudly tied to caring for others.

It's also important to acknowledge the role societal expectations play. Traditional gender roles and romanticized ideas of love can pressure us to prioritize our partner's needs, even at our own expense. The media often paints an unrealistic picture of relationships, encouraging us to strive for an unattainable ideal and sacrifice our own needs in the process.

Finally, an entitled or controlling partner's behavior can amplify our tendency to self-abandon, even if unintentional. If our partner is manipulative or exploitative, it can reinforce the pattern and make it harder to break free.

These are just a few of the common reasons for self-abandonment. It's essential to remember that there's no single cause, and what contributes to this behavior can differ greatly for each of us. If you're struggling with self-abandonment, seeking professional help can be a powerful step toward identifying your root cause and developing healthy coping mechanisms that are unique to you and your relationships.

Confronting the Root Cause

Ready to confront the root cause of your self-abandonment? Start by asking yourself these powerful questions, inspired by the work of Dr. Susanne Wolf and enhanced with additional insights to guide your self-reflection.

  • Do I value myself? This is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you don't value yourself, it will be difficult to expect others to value you.
  • Do I trust myself and others? Trust is essential for intimacy. If you don't trust yourself or your partner, it will be difficult to build a strong relationship.
  • Do I feel like I deserve love? We all deserve love, but some of us may have been conditioned to believe otherwise. If you struggle with feelings of worthiness, it can sabotage your relationships.
  • How do I give and receive love? Healthy love is a two-way street. It's important to be able to give and receive love in a balanced way.
  • Do I feel like I have to earn love? Love should be freely given, not something you have to work for. If you feel like you constantly have to prove yourself to your partner, it's a sign that the relationship is unhealthy.
  • Do I respect and communicate my needs? It's important to be able to communicate your needs to your partner in a healthy way. If you don't respect your own needs, it will be difficult to get your partner to respect them.
  • Am I "allowing" others to treat me a certain way? We teach people how to treat us by what we tolerate. If you allow your partner to disrespect you, you are sending the message that it's okay.
  • What are my fears and beliefs around relationships? Our past experiences can shape our beliefs about relationships. If you have negative beliefs about relationships, it can hold you back from having healthy ones.
  • Am I trying to convince them (and myself) that I am deserving of love? You are worthy of love just as you are. You don't need to convince anyone of that.

These questions require honesty and may be uncomfortable, but they are the first step towards reclaiming your sense of self in your relationships. Challenging the beliefs and patterns that lead to self-abandonment opens the door to building stronger, healthier bonds and an inevitable change in relationship dynamics that might initially feel threatening. It takes time, effort, and courage to take on the journey of self-love. Be kind and generous with your time and capacity.

Actions You Can Take Now

  • Take 10 minutes and write down 3 things you absolutely will not compromise on in a relationship. If these non-negotiables are absent right now, it's a red flag.
  • Learn to say no. It's a complete sentence. You don't owe anyone an explanation.
  • Clearly communicate your boundaries. Be assertive, yet kind. The people who care about you will respect it.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people. Build healthy relationships that nourish you.
  • Practice self-care. Prioritize the things that make you feel good.

Breaking the cycle of self-abandonment isn't easy, but it's absolutely possible. As a relationship coach, I've guided many clients through this transformative journey. Together, we can explore the root causes of your self-abandonment and develop strategies for setting healthy boundaries, communicating your needs effectively, and rediscovering your own passions and desires.

If you're ready to prioritize your well-being and build a relationship that truly nourishes both you and your partner, I invite you to schedule a coaching session. Let's work together to create a love life where you feel seen, heard, and valued for who you truly are.

Remember, you deserve a relationship that fuels your spirit, not one that drains it.

Disclaimer: I write my content using AI assistance. It is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional therapy or clinical advice. If you are struggling with mental health issues, please seek guidance from a qualified professional in your area.

Written by
Jura Glo

With over ten years of experience guiding individuals and couples worldwide, I specialize in supporting those impacted by complex trauma.  

My personal experience navigating cults, institutional betrayal, and manipulative individuals has given me a unique understanding of the psychological and emotional impact of these dynamics.

This translates into my work and writing, where I help my clients identify core issues and co-create solutions within a safe, balanced and supportive environment.

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